This kanji has a kunyoumi or Japanese reading of: やす, and it has an onyoumi or Chinese reading of: アン. This character has the meanings: relax, cheap, low, quiet, rested, contented, peaceful, or inexpensive. This character is made up of the following radicals or parts: the roof or house radical (うかんむり), and the kanji meaning woman or female. You can remember this kanji by the following hint: a woman relaxing at home. Our example sentence is: すこしやすくなりませんか。少し安くなりませんか。Can’t you discount it a little?

Grade Kun On Meaning Strokes Example Sentence
JLPT N5 やす アン relax, cheap, low, quiet, rested, contented, peaceful, inexpensive 6 すこしやすくなりませんか。
Can’t you discount it a little?