This kanji has no kunyoumi or japanese readings, but it has an onyoumi or chinese reading of: シュウ. This character has the meaning: week. This character is made up of the following radicals or parts: an enclosure radical on the outside, followed by the earth kanji, then the mouth radical at the bottom, and finally the radical meaning walk or street on the left. You can remember this kanji by the following hint: The weekly rhythm of merchants going 辶 out to ply their trade in the vicinity 周. Our example sentence is: 先週は犬を買いました。先週はいぬをかいました。I bought a dog last week.

Grade Kun On Meaning Strokes Example Sentence
JLPT N5 N/A シュウ week 11 先週は犬を買いました。


I bought a dog last week.