This kanji has kunyoumi or japanese readings of: のち、うし、うしろ、あと、or おく, and it has onyoumi or chinese readings of: ゴ、or コウ. This character has the meanings: behind, back, later, or after. This character is made up of the following radicals or parts: ぎょうにんべん on the left、 meaning step, stride, street, or to go, followed by いとがしら meaning young or slight, and finally のまた at the bottom. You can remember this kanji by the following hint: Walking 彳 with a thread 幺 in the hand 夂: it trails behind. Our example sentence is: 殺人事件の背後に潜むミステリーを解き明かせ。さつじんじけんのはいごにひそむみすてりいをときあかせ。Solve the mystery lurking behind the murder!

Grade Kun On Meaning Strokes Example Sentence
JLPT N5 あたら、あら、にい シン new 13 新しい斧を買いました。


I bought a new axe.