This kanji has kunyoumi or Japanese readings of: なな or なの, and it has an onyoumi or Chinese reading of: シチ. This character has the meaning: seven. This character is made up of the following radicals or parts: kanji character one (一)、and “the second” radical (⺃ – known as おつ). You can remember this kanji by the fact it looks like an upside down seven, and means seven. Our example sentence is: このれっしゃはしちりょうへんせいです。 この列車は七両編成です。 This train is made up of seven cars.

Grade Kun On Meaning Strokes Example Sentence
JLPT N5 なな、なの シチ seven 2 このれっしゃはしちりょうへんせいです。
This train is made up of seven cars.