This kanji has a kunyoumi or japanese reading of: きた, and it has an onyoumi or chinese reading of: ホク. This character has the meaning: north. This character is made up of the following radicals or parts: しょうへん on the left meaning to split wood, and the spoon 匕 radical on the right. You can remember this kanji by the following hint: Two people standing back to back; turning one’s back to the cold north. Our example sentence is: 冷たい北風が木の葉を茶色にした。つめたいきたかぜがこのはをちゃいろにした。The cold north wind made the leaves turn brown.

Grade Kun On Meaning Strokes Example Sentence
JLPT N5 きた ホク north 5



The cold north wind made the leaves turn brown.