This kanji has a kunyoumi or japanese reading of: き, and it has onyoumi or chinese readings of: ブン、or モン. This character has the meanings: hear, ask, or listen. This character is made up of the following radicals or parts: the gate radical on the outside 門, and the ear 耳 character on the inside. You can remember this kanji by the following hint: The ear 耳 of the guard at the gate 門. Our example sentence is: 聞いて下さい。きいてください。Please listen.
Grade | Kun | On | Meaning | Strokes | Example Sentence |
JLPT N5 | き | ブン、モン | hear, ask, listen | 14 |
聞いて下さい。 きいてください。 Please listen. |
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